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The new illustration system of kakaopay

The new illustration system of kakaopay

Mobile application services, which must provide a variety of information within a small mobile phone, differ in the extent to which the consumer understands the information, depending on how it is delivered. In case of deliver informations to use 'text' delivery is costs are low but difficult to communicate clearly according to the consumer's environment (age/education/income), and on the other hand, incase of  deliver informations to use 'pictures' is customer would be easy to understand it but the cost and time required for information production is relatively more.

The way we communicate through the illustration image has emerged from the time when we record and deliver information, and so far it has been useful. In the 21st century, the company uses illustration communication in a variety of fields through computers and mobile phones that are more creative and distributed than printing, and is now used as an asset to feel the tone and manners of the brand beyond simple information transmission.

We have created an illustration guide to help consumers understand and understand the financial services provided by kakaopay more easily and quickly, while allowing them to go beyond logos, fonts, and color as a brand communication asset.


Branding / UI / Illustration

Worked in kakaopay Corporation
Date: August 2019 --- October 2019

Design / Illustration / Motion Effect by THEO

kakaopay, a subsidary of IT giant kakao corporation, is a fintech corporation providing diverse financial services from on/offline payment, money transfer, to even investment.

The new illustration system of kakaopay

Project Made For

The new illustration system of kakaopay

Mobile application services, which must provide a variety of information within a small mobile phone, differ in the extent to which the consumer Read More
